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Can Breast Implants Get Rid of Sagging?

Breast implants can offer a dynamic and long-lasting way to improve the size, volume, shape, and symmetry of the breasts. By providing patients with the ability to truly achieve the custom contours they envision, breast implants are considered an integral part of aesthetic surgery. If you’ve ever considered cosmetic procedures to enhance your breasts, you may have wondered whether breast implants can address breast ptosis or sagging. Drooping or elongated breast tissue is an extremely common effect of aging, pregnancy, and weight loss on the breasts. While medically harmless, our board-certified plastic surgeon understands that breast sag can sacrifice a youthful look in the chest and potentially inhibit self-confidence. Each person’s needs and aesthetic concerns are evaluated on an individual basis, but in general, breast implants are not primarily designed to treat breast sag. 

Saline and silicone implants can certainly help you attain a fuller, rounder breast shape in conjunction with enhancing the breast profile. However, implants alone do not address the skin laxity and loss of support that typically cause the breasts to stretch and become pendulous (hanging). For these concerns, a breast lift (mastopexy) is usually the “gold standard” treatment for correcting breast ptosis. Fortunately, Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani can create a treatment plan that incorporates both breast implants and a breast lift to attain the most comprehensive breast rejuvenation possible. A breast lift with implants can not only restore support and treat sagging, it can also enlarge the breasts while optimizing symmetry, shape, and volume. 

Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani is one of the most renowned breast surgeons in the country and has the experience to tailor your treatment plan according to your unique needs and goals. If you’re bothered by aging breast contours, don’t hesitate to contact The Aesthetic Surgery Centre in Orlando to explore your options.