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Will I Need to Replace My Implants in the Future?

Breast implants can offer a life-changing enhancement to your curves and confidence, allowing women dissatisfied with their chest to achieve the youthful, voluptuous breast contours they’ve always desired. Unfortunately, saline and silicone implants are not infallible. While capable of providing beautiful, long-term results, breast implants were not designed to be lifetime devices. Over time, certain issues may affect your implants and warrant a secondary breast revision procedure; however, the majority of patients do not ever feel a need to replace their breast implants unless they want to exchange their devices for a newer type, size, or fill-material. 

After breast augmentation, most women don’t experience severe problems that warrant replacing their implants. However, the following complications may require additional treatment to further improve the outcome:

  • Rippling: Implant rippling occurs when a patient does not have enough tissue coverage to conceal the edges of the device. In turn, this can make your results look less natural. Rippling can often be corrected with techniques including fat transfer and breast revision surgery. 
  • Rupture: Characterized by a tear or break in the implant, saline implants often provide visible signs of rupture. Silicone implants, on the other hand, typically keep their shape, highlighting the importance of periodic MRIs to ensure your implants are still in good condition. 
  • Capsular contracture: Capsular contracture refers to the formation of hardened scar tissue. Developing some degree of scar tissue after breast augmentation is considered normal, but treatment may be necessary if the scar tissue hardens and causes tightness or pain. 

Our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani, encourages patients to remain vigilant to possible changes in their breasts. In most cases, issues that require attention or further treatment are often exhibited by symptoms like swelling, tightness, hardness, pain, or abnormal breast contours.  

Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani strongly believes patient education is key to maximizing the benefits of aesthetic procedures like breast augmentation. To learn more about the risks, possibilities, and limitations of breast implants, please don’t hesitate to contact The Aesthetic Surgery Centre at our Orlando office today.