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ISAPS Issues Patient Safety Statement on Breast Implants

According to recent data published in The Aesthetic Surgery Journal, there has been a worldwide increase in patients seeking to remove their breast implants through en bloc capsulectomy or another explantation procedure. The motivations behind patients’ request for breast implant removal lie in systemic symptoms — such as joint pain, autoimmune diseases, confusion, chronic fatigue, and muscle aches — attributed to their breast implants. While not enough data is available to determine individual risk factors for conditions such as Breast Implant Illness (BII) and Silicone Incompatibility Syndrome (SOS), self-described symptoms have been associated with all types of implants, including saline, silicone, gel-filled, smooth, and textured devices.

In some patients, removing breast implants has been shown to improve or even eliminate their symptoms. ISAPS states that patients who request explantation often desire en bloc capsulectomy, a technique that removes the breast implant and surrounding capsule “as a whole.” This procedure aims to remove implants while reducing the risk of implant leakage during the process. Not all patients are good candidates for the en bloc approach, but even a partial capsulectomy has been shown to provide an improvement in symptoms.

At this time, there is no recommendation to remove breast implants if patients do not experience any unfavorable symptoms. That said, patients with breast implants are encouraged to remain vigilant to changes in the look and feel of their breasts, as well as potentially concerning symptoms like swelling, muscle aches, confusion, and fatigue. If you have breast implants, it’s important to note:

  • Implants are not designed to be lifetime devices.
  • The condition of your implants should be evaluated with a high-resolution ultrasound or an MRI five years after getting implants, and every two to three years afterward.
  • Persistent symptoms should be evaluated for other medical diseases before considering breast implant removal.
  • If no other cause for your symptoms is found, breast implant removal is likely to improve symptoms.
  • Always consult a plastic surgeon who has been certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

If you have concerns, we strongly encourage you to contact your primary care provider or a board-certified plastic surgeon to assess your symptoms and determine the best way to maximize your health, safety, and well-being.

Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani understands the concerns surrounding BII and other breast implant-related conditions and prioritizes achieving the safest, most enduring results possible. If you would like to discuss your concerns about breast implants or if you want to learn more about the explantation procedure, please don’t hesitate to contact The Aesthetic Centre today.