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How Do Breasts Change with Age?

As we age, our bodies change in response to some of life’s biggest moments. Specifically, the appearance of firm and youthful breasts can fluctuate with age and multiple factors usually contribute to these developments. From pregnancy and breastfeeding to weight fluctuations, the breast contours tend to look flatter and less shapely over time. Menopause and the natural aging process are also contributing factors, especially when the body starts producing less estrogen.

While the age-related changes to your breasts vary from patient to patient according to genetics and unique lifestyle factors, there are certain concerns widely shared by women as they get older. Many patients want to improve:

  • Breasts that look elongated, have lost volume, or appear deflated
  • A decrease in skin elasticity and firmness
  • Nipples that point downward
  • A lack of cleavage
  • A wide space between breasts

Unwelcome physical transformations can be corrected with a variety of procedures offered at The Aesthetic Surgery Centre. A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, addresses common concerns, including skin laxity and loss of volume. The procedure is designed to tighten the breast skin and reposition tissue to achieve firmer, more youthful contours. This can completely reshape the breasts and provide a “perky,” projected look for patients who experience sagging.  Mastopexy may also resize or reposition the nipples to a more central location on the breasts, if necessary. Additionally, breast augmentation can be a powerful procedure to enhance the size, shape, and contour of breasts through placement of saline and silicone implants. The procedure can bring fullness and achieve the desired enhancements. Occasionally, an augmentation can also lift a drooping bustline to some degree.

With board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani, you can revitalize your confidence and rejuvenate aging breasts. He’ll gladly discuss which procedure is right for you according to your cosmetic goals. To schedule a consultation, contact our office.