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Can a Facelift Get Rid of a Double Chin?

A facelift is known for improving facial contours via the smoothing and removal of excess skin, but Orlando patients often wonder whether the procedure has the ability to similarly enhance the neck and jawline. While facelift surgery at our Orlando practice can reduce neck laxity to some degree, effectively getting rid of a double chin may require a combination of additional neck contouring approaches. Luckily, these techniques can easily be added to your facelift treatment plan so that total facial rejuvenation can be completed in just one procedure.    If you have the appearance of a double chin due to excess fat in the submental region (under the chin), liposuction should be enough to reduce fullness and achieve more definition around the jawline. A mild... Continue Reading

BOTOX Cosmetic vs. Dermal Fillers

If you’ve been considering cosmetic injectables to restore the youthful features of your face, you may be wondering which product is the best choice to attain the refreshed, rejuvenated look you desire. BOTOX Cosmetic® and dermal fillers can improve most signs of age, but knowing which type of injectable is best suited to treat your concerns typically depends on the aspects of your appearance you wish to improve. Are you more concerned with smoothing fine lines, or do you want to improve a sunken or hollow look? Do your features seem flat, or are brow wrinkles causing you to look constantly angry? Our board-certified plastic surgeon can shed light on how to determine the most ideal treatment for you, but in general: BOTOX Cosmetic® can... Continue Reading

Why Do Breasts Lose Volume with Pregnancy?

Having a child is a life-changing experience for numerous reasons, some of which are more welcome than others. A common concern for expecting mothers involves the inevitable changes that their breasts go through both during and after pregnancy. Most women are aware that the breasts tend to experience a loss of volume and fullness throughout the body’s transformation, although not all individuals know exactly why such changes occur. Generally speaking, pregnancy along with the increase in hormones caused by gestation can lead to swelling of the fibrous breast tissue, as well as milk production in the breast glands. The weight of the breasts becomes heavier, and the skin starts to stretch to accommodate this change. As a result, breast sag can develop due to a... Continue Reading

Which Fat Reduction Treatment is Right For Me?

If your cosmetic goals include smoothing bulges of excess fat, body contouring can be a highly effective technique to achieve your desired physique. Liposuction surgery and CoolSculpting® are two of the most popular body contouring treatments available, and the best fat removal procedure for your concerns typically depends on several factors: Volume of fat removal desired: As a non-surgical treatment that uses controlled-cooling to eliminate fat cells, CoolSculpting® is designed to remove 20 to 30 percent of fat in a given area. In contrast, liposuction is a surgeon-controlled procedure capable of extracting up to 80 percent of accumulated fat. Timing: While liposuction can offer noticeable results almost immediately after surgery, CoolSculpting® breaks down fat over a period of several months. Therefore, patients who seek a... Continue Reading

How to Get Rid of Jowls

It’s widely known that collagen production diminishes as we get older. The cosmetic effects of this decline are often exacerbated by factors such as gravity, sun exposure, and genetics. As decreased levels of collagen and elastin are absorbed by the body, some of the most prominent signs of facial aging that develop include sagging skin and lost volume around the cheeks. Facial skin and fatty deposits begin to descend, the result being the formation of jowls—or relaxed skin along the jawline. Jowls often present an aesthetic concern for many individuals who may feel like their outward appearance is inconsistent with how youthful they feel inside. While most people develop jowls at some point in their lifetime, Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani offers both surgical and non-surgical... Continue Reading

How to Firm Sagging Breasts

Breasts may descend from their natural position on the chest for a number of reasons—gravity, weight fluctuation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or simply the natural effects of aging can culminate and cause a loss of shape in the breast tissue, ultimately resulting in the appearance of sag. Most, if not all, women experience some degree of breast ptosis (drooping) at one point in their life and seek out exercises or aesthetic treatments to restore younger-looking breasts. While some workout regimens claim to naturally firm and lift the breasts, these reports are usually misleading and untrue. There are indeed exercises designed to strengthen the pectoral (chest) muscles, but no workout can actually tighten the loose skin and breast tissue laxity that leads to the appearance of sag. Therefore,... Continue Reading

FDA Notifies Public of Recent Cases of BIA-ALCL

The FDA is raising awareness about recent cases of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) found in some patients with textured breast implants. Due to the excellent results Dr. Jon Paul Trevisani achieves with smooth implants, he has never seen the need to place textured breast implants; therecore, concerns of BIA-ALCL generally don’t apply to his patients. That said, our team wishes to inform the Orlando community of the FDA’s recent findings with regard to BIA-ALCL. BIA-ALCL is a rare form of lymphoma that affects the white blood cells in the immune system and typically develops in the capsule of scar tissue surrounding an implant. The number of people affected by the condition is very small compared to the number of patients who undergo... Continue Reading

What to Expect After Eyelid Surgery

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), eyelid surgery is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures in the country. Commonly known as blepharoplasty, this aesthetic surgery can give patients the ability to eliminate signs of exhaustion, stress, and age around the eyes—an area of the face that often exhibits these concerns most prominently. The result of blepharoplasty can be a more refreshed and youthful expression, thereby offering patients an effective treatment to minimize pronounced facial aging as well as resolve lax tissue in the upper eyelids that may be obstructing their vision. After upper and/or lower blepharoplasty, patients can expect to make a full return to their daily routines within seven to ten days. Bruising, swelling, tenderness, and discoloration is... Continue Reading